We are a boutique cosmetic tattoo studio specializing in soft, natural, permanent make up. With more than 20 years in the beauty industry, we helped transform cosmetic tattooing in Sydney with our groundbreaking natural results. Every day we transform our clients features in ways they never thought possible.
Cosmetic BROW & EYE LINER Tattooing
Lita uses the latest in hand and machine techniques to create soft, natural looks that last. Our Powder brows, Nano brows and Combination brows combine micro-blading and shading and to mimic natural hair movement and density. Each set of brows is approached differently according to your skin and hair type, lifestyle and look.
Our eyeliners are bespoke and tailored to your unique eye contours and facial features. We use a conservative approach with the view that we can always “add more” but it’s more difficult to take away from an application.

At Lita Brows & Ink we create the most beautiful, natural lip blush tattoos in Sydney. This treatment is a great way to enhance your natural lips. Lip Blush is a cosmetic tattoo that can be used to balance symmetry, increase the appearance of the lip size, camouflage scars on the lip tissue, change the color of the lips, and create a more youthful lip appearance. Lip Blush is the most natural looking lip enhancement. We recommend a consultation to discuss your desired outcome and bring some colour references to your appointment.
Those with HSV1 virus (cold sores) please arrange to take antiviral medication , either before or straight after your tattoo session to help prevent a breakout during the healing process.
Feathertouch bROWS
Eyebrow feathering, Microblading, Microstroking, Eyebrow embroidery… these are some of the names for hairstroke tattoo or feathering. This is a natural eyebrow tattoo service - a good place to start if you’re new to cosmetic tattooing.
All feathered brow tattooing is done with a microblade or cosmetic tattoo machine, allowing pigments to be implanted in the epidermal or dermal layers of the skin, for best retention and longevity of tattoo. We choose the safest and most gentle procedures for our clients.
At Lita Brows, our brows services are renowned for their natural enhancements and we follow your natural line to punctuate your unique look


PLUCKing Fabulous